On Sunday night when I went to unload my bike I noticed that one of the brackets that holds my removable saddle bags onto the frame of my bike had sheared off and the bag was just barely hanging on. This is obviously not good! It was a miracle that the other bracket did not also break and ultimately the bag would have either just fallen off or banged into the side of the bike with the potential for a far worse event to materialize due to the potential instability it could have caused. When I noticed it, I just started laughing at first. My initial thoughts were that at least I made it to the hotel. After that I shifted gears (no pun intended) and starting to speculate about a far uglier outcome and then again back to how fortunate I really was. This ping pong match going on in my mind lasted about 5 minutes and then the reality of the situation set in. Like so many things in life, things like this don’t just solve themselves. You and only you must take the initiative to solve the situation which I did.
I quickly concluded that I was not going anywhere until I got this issue resolved. Thus, no Saskatoon today baby, but will pick it up after Montana. By now, no doubt you are asking how does Brad Parker fit into the picture? Well, here is the story and I am sticking to it! Unfortunately, both Harley dealers in Alberta were to be closed on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday for the Canada Day celebration (our equivalent to the 4th of July). This meant that I would have to hang around Edmonton until at least late on Wed and there were no guarantees that they would even have the parts that I needed or the time to solve my current crisis. I could easily be out of commission until next weekend and maybe even longer. This would be long after I am due to pick up Doreen in Bozeman on this Saturday.
What next? I decide to take matters into my own hands. Trying to tie the bags onto the bike was ruled out early on during this challenge due to the instability and risk associated with such a half ass approach. I called the dealer in Belgrade Montana since I was due to take my bike into them this coming Saturday for a major tune up and to get a new rear tire. No doubt it would prove to be less costly to do both things at once instead of having to remove the rear tire twice.
This is where Brad Parker comes in. As you can see from the photo, I decided to ship my two saddle bags to Belgrade versus running the risk that another bracket could be sheered off or my temporary fix was just that……too temporary to get me to Montana.
The long and short of it, after a great deal of personal embarrassment, I took both of my saddle bags to Brad’s UPS store and shipped them to the dealer in Montana. They should have plenty of time to solve this various issues since I will be on the Big Sky area for the next two weeks starting on Saturday. Brad could hardly contain his smile as he was collecting my $65+ Canadian! Seriously, I really enjoyed meeting him and I am confident that his parents are very proud of him. He is bright, good looking, loves sports, works hard, and owns his own business all at only 24. Oh yes, and for the girls reading this blog, he is truly single, but non-atheletic girls need not apply.
Today, minus my saddle bags, tools, and a number of other things, I left Edmonton and headed toward Montana instead of Saskatchewan. I am now planning on hitting that province now after Montana. I have about 900+ miles to cover between Edmonton and Big Sky based upon my revised plan. I concluded that the shortest distance between here and Belgrade is the prudent thing to do under the current circumstances.
Ah, for the life of a motorcyclist! It is kind of like owning a motor home except with only two wheels, a lot of wind blowing in your chops, and no pop-outs on the vehicle. According to both mybrothers something is always crapping out on their motor home and they are in a constant state of tinkering with them. No doubt it will feel a bit strange tomorrow as I pull out of here with nothing covering my rear fender other than my bruised ego!
Enjoy your day, vote for Dog of the Week, and it is so very important that you donate to this very worthy cause. We all need to work together to find the cure for breast cancer and to help to better educate both men and women about this disease.
Thank you again for your interest in Cruising for the Cure and spending the time to read my blog. Both Doreen and I sincerely appreciate your efforts and we want to wish you kind regards to you and yours,
Hi Dave
Met you at the turnoff from highway 16 to the Cassiar Highway. My buddy and I were riding up north too. Glad to see you made it over the Cassier. Thats a pretty rough ride for a beautiful Harley like yours. Thanks for the blog, its fun to read and such a great cause.
Hi Dave,
Been folowing your trip with fasination from my sweltering hot Moscow office. I think its a great thing you re doing and alot of fun as well i bet. If you need me to drive a leg of the way with you ley me know I have my Russian Mig motor cycle here.
How do i make a contribution to the cause?
Good Luck,
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